Welcome to Crowd Source Medical

About Us

We are NOT doctors

But together, we are reasonably intelligent people, and can share our medical experiences in a meaningful way.  What were your symptoms?  What did you (or your doctor) call the "Condition?" What treatments did you try? How well did they work?  We can learn from each other!

We do NOT offer medical advice

We appreciate the expertise of physicians, hospitals, and treatment experts.

We also understand the value of home remedies, alternate treatments, palliative care, and sometimes even refusing care in favor of Quality of Life.

"We" includes "You"

The value of this site depends on your input.  Please Enter Your Symptoms [above]; tell us about your symptoms, treatments, and outcomes.

There you can also review entries by others to see how their experiences can inform the options you may consider.

Contact Us [below]  to become more deeply involved in our mission.


Case Examples

Case #1 "The Common Cold"

Whenever I get a scratchy and slightly sore throat, I expect to get a cold.

I used to wait until full-blown symptoms came: runny nose, full-sore throat, general body aches. Then I would start taking medicine: Sudafed, sore-throat lozenges, and aspirin.  The cold would gradually get better over 5-7 days.

I started experiencing side-effects from the Sudafed:  It became difficult to urinate.  It became severe enough that I decided I wouldn't take Sudafed anymore.  I was miserable until the cold went away. What other remedies could I try?

Someone suggested I try a regimen of Emergen-C, Zinc lozenges and aspirin at the first sign of a sore throat.  I tried it, and it worked.  Now I do this every time.  Sometimes I never get the full-blown cold symptoms.  Otherwise, the cold seems to come under control in 2-3 days.

The idea behind Crowd Source Medical is to allow users to search through symptoms, see what others identified as the possible problems, see what treatments they tried and how successful they were, and see what were the side effects.

We understand that this method will not start to be helpful until hundreds of people enter cases like this one, so we urge everyone to get started entering their information.  Medical information entered will be anonymous, and we will never store or disclose any of your identification information except with your express permission.  

(Of course, if you subscribe or contact us, we will keep and use your email address and your emails for communications unless you ask us to delete them.  We will not disclose your email information to anyone else.)


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Crowd Source Medical

2020 Oxbottom Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32312, US

(850) 933-1075